We are so disconnected from our cycles - and often ignore it. There is a lot of pressure to keep a “normal” pace. The changes in hormones within our body can have dramatic effects on our internal energy and needs changes to be made on the outside to compensate. Mood changes. Over exhausted. Migraines. Weight issues. I ignored my irregular cycle for so long and never took the time to listen, I had a hard time finding a doctor who would help. When I did f inally find a doctor and MIDWIFE that were educated on PCOS and gave me the correct information - it was so validating. What has worked for me and my body is giving myself the space and time for self care. Not judging myself for using pharmaceuticals. Practicing awareness and communicate with those around me so they are aware of my situation. So often we try to handle everything on our own - at least I do. And we forget that we are surrounded by people willing to help and support us. But they don't always know we need...