Target registering

So we went to target today to register.
I was a bit nervous - I was anticipating that after 30 minutes Bobby would start pleading to go home. But luckily he started getting in to.
We didn't have a plan of action except this "Club Wedd" magazine they give you to guide us. I imagine we are going to have to go back through it online to tweak it. We did our best to not put any wasteful pieces of decor or kitchen utensils. All that stuff is plastic anyways.
I wish Ikea had a wedding registry. I know their stuff is wasteful.
Our main complaint about was how out of stock target was - way to let us down. Especially in the bedding! We plan on registering at Crate & Barrel and Macy's. I think that should be more than enough.
Top important things we HAD to have on our registery at Target:
2. Air purifier: necessity for people with allergies and who have pets
3. Classic Games: Guess Who?, Jenga, Apples to Apples, Catch Phrase and Connect Four
4. Multi surface vacuum
5. KitchenAid Mixer
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