Come June, May if we can find some dear soul to move into our current apartment, we will be living in this adorable home.

I cannot wait!
No more accidentally getting bit when this happens (and by bit I mean Luci awkwardly mouthing your limb):
I love this apartment. But. We're all stepping on each other. As I type this, Windy is trying to sit on Luci's head as if there isn't anywhere else to sit.
More room for cooking. More room for projects. And a lovely, beautiful fenced in yard to lock the dogs out in.
Come June, May if we can find some dear soul to move into our current apartment, we will be living in this adorable home.

I cannot wait!
No more accidentally getting bit when this happens (and by bit I mean Luci awkwardly mouthing your limb):
I love this apartment. But. We're all stepping on each other. As I type this, Windy is trying to sit on Luci's head as if there isn't anywhere else to sit.
More room for cooking. More room for projects. And a lovely, beautiful fenced in yard to lock the dogs out in.
That video is amazing! I cannot stop laughing :)