Gluten Free Foods

Recipes I've made and enjoyed:

No sugar, flour or egg oatmeal breakfast cookies
No sugar, flour or egg oatmeal breakfast cookies. The only cookie cutter I have is heart shaped.
- modifications: I used half figs, half dates and left out the salt

Chickpea quinoa salad
Chickpea quinoa salad

Almond milk (I tried this out of curiousity. It was good but I still prefer milk from the utter.)
homemade almond milk @allyomally

Hard boiled eggs + yogurt
get my basil on

Gluten free peanut butter and nutella cookies (These are heavenly and addicting.)
Gluten free peanut butter and nutella cookies

Roasted zucchini and squash
Roasted zucchini and squash

On the menu for tonight we have kale chips, roasted chicken seasoned with lemon pepper and roasted cauliflower with dill and dijon mustard.


  1. you are a fucking gluten free rockstar! (dorkiest sentence ever.) i'm about to make those breakfast cookies now. heart-shaped and all.

  2. Yum, gluten-free cookies. I can't wait to make both.


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