A couple weeks ago, I found this tutorial on pinterest to make 1 gallons worth of liquid soap from one bar of soap. I bought the supplies and they’ve been sitting in my guest bedroom ever since then. I say a couple weeks ago but it was actually about 2 months.
Anyways. I finally got around to testing it out this weekend. I combined everything on Saturday night as instructed and woke up Sunday hoping to find a pot of somewhat congealed soap. It hadn’t changed and was still super watery. I got out the hand blender and blended the watery mixture for about 5-10 minutes on low heat then let it sit. Mid-day, a ring had started to form but it was still super watery. I gave it a few good stirs then let it sit over night. Monday morning it had fully congealed! Pouring the mixture back into the jug was a bit more challenging that I had expected. And kinda grossed me out - it was like a giant vat of runny snot. That smelled like roses! I'm happy with the results and plan on trying again this weekend - this time I'll try blending the first night to see if that gets the glycerin going for it set over night.

Anyways. I finally got around to testing it out this weekend. I combined everything on Saturday night as instructed and woke up Sunday hoping to find a pot of somewhat congealed soap. It hadn’t changed and was still super watery. I got out the hand blender and blended the watery mixture for about 5-10 minutes on low heat then let it sit. Mid-day, a ring had started to form but it was still super watery. I gave it a few good stirs then let it sit over night. Monday morning it had fully congealed! Pouring the mixture back into the jug was a bit more challenging that I had expected. And kinda grossed me out - it was like a giant vat of runny snot. That smelled like roses! I'm happy with the results and plan on trying again this weekend - this time I'll try blending the first night to see if that gets the glycerin going for it set over night.
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