an ode to my favorite food - arepas
There is nothing in this world that I can compare to the sense of contentment I feel when I bite into a fresh arepa with melted butter inside. That sensation takes me back to Venezuela, to sitting in my grandparents kitchen, to my great uncle’s dairy farm, to the time I threw my sister’s shoe out our 7th floor apartment – it brings back lots of happy, family memories. I guess in a weird way I associate arepas with family. I remember when I brought arepas for friend/cousin gathering. I remember when my mom came over to our new apartment just to cook arepas. I remember packing 3 bags of harina pan in my luggage to bring to my sister.
Arepas contain no additives or bleaching agents and are 100 per cent gluten-free. I won’t stop eating them, ever. Technically, they are extremely easy to make but can take a long time (atleast for me) – mix harina pan with water and salt. Form into balls and then flatten out – maybe about a quarter inch thick? They don't have to be perfect. Then heat a little oil in a heavy skillet to toast each side side – as my mom says – to give it a little face. For the next step, I don’t know what the second piece I have is called – my mom brought it from Venezuela – but I move mine to there and wait till the inside opens. You can also move them to the oven to bake.
Although the process can take a long time, it’s always a good time. Enjoy it with the ones you love in the kitchen taking in all the delicious smells. Stuffing them with any fillings your heart desires. And sneaking in a fresh arepa with some melted butter. 
Here’s another helpful blog on making arepas and more Venezuelan recipes.
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