Third Trimester
Baby is definitely growing and my body is now starting to feel ripe. The third trimester has really started to show on me this past week and I now feel like I am experiencing those "traditional symptoms".
Last night at yoga as I was doing a forward bend, I noticed by right ankle was just slightly swelled. I quickly finished my water and drank some more when I got home and propped my legs up on the couch. This morning the left one joined in the fun. Alright, I accept that this is now happening. But I'll be sure to drink lots of water, keep exercising and prop my legs. Bobby says he loves my ankles no matter what they look like anyways.
Holy moly. Seriously. Our water bill went up and I'm sure it is a direct correlation of my increase use of the loo. My nights have gone from 1 - 2 pee breaks to 3 - 5. I haven't been looking at the clock at night to see how frequent that is but I imagine it's about every 1.5 hours.
Thanks to all the peeing and the growing belly which makes it hard to get comfortable my sleep is definitely off. I still generally have no problem falling asleep but I feel more tired from sleeping if that makes sense. All that getting out of bed to pee is a lot of work. (First world problems.) The weird sleeping adds to the puffy and swelling. Kinda like when you're hung over.
Thanks to Bobby and my family though for always helping me take a step back and laugh about this stuff. I don't want to come off like I'm complaining because in the end, every bit is worth it. To feel this baby growing inside of me. It's truly amazing what the human body can do.
And just for fun - friend's puppies from the Little 5 Points parade this weekend
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