Happy 4 Months!
Happy 4 months, my sweet little 14 pound butterbean.
I feel like this past month you've changed into a new baby. You look more and more like your Dad with little features of mine.

You've started to find your voice and from the sounds of it you have a lot to say and by the serious look on your face - you want to make sure we're listening. We are all ears and love listening to you talk.

You LOVE bath time - which is a huge improvement. Our nighttime routine is improving - some nights you only wake up twice - other nights you seem a bit more excited. You're still nursing very well.

You've started petting my arms or stroking my chest while you nurse which melts my heart. Sometimes when I'm talking you'll wave at mouth.

You love to play with your toys and thanks to your Mamamia have learned the art of grasping and throwing your toys. You've also discovered your thumb - which means lots of sucking/drooling/blowing bubbles.

Your eyes are still greyish blue and your hair is looking very dark.

We love you baby.

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