Happy 5 Months!
My sweet little Beni!

This month has been full of exciting firsts. You love to laugh - sometimes you get these laughing attacks where you start squealing so loudly - it's addicting. We are always looking for new ways to make you laugh.

You figured out how to roll over from your back to your tummy - but you still haven't quite figured out how to get back in your back. You've also started trying to seat yourself up but not quite there, yet.

This week I was eating a banana in front of you and you started to fuss so I mashed up a tiny bit for you. You loved it! You start smacking your lips and smiling. Today you had avocado - you seemed a bit cautious at first but then you loved it.

You've started to grow more hair and your eyebrows and lashes have darkened.

I've been taking you to the park to meet other babies and you love the attention. Mostly being outside. I put you in a swing for the first time.

Your sleep has been thrown off a bit this week - one night you woke up every hour insisting to sleep while nursing only. You've also been drooling and chomping on your fingers which has me wondering if your starting teeth.
We're here to love you and help you feel more comfortable, my sweet little chub.

This month has been full of exciting firsts. You love to laugh - sometimes you get these laughing attacks where you start squealing so loudly - it's addicting. We are always looking for new ways to make you laugh.

You figured out how to roll over from your back to your tummy - but you still haven't quite figured out how to get back in your back. You've also started trying to seat yourself up but not quite there, yet.

This week I was eating a banana in front of you and you started to fuss so I mashed up a tiny bit for you. You loved it! You start smacking your lips and smiling. Today you had avocado - you seemed a bit cautious at first but then you loved it.

You've started to grow more hair and your eyebrows and lashes have darkened.

I've been taking you to the park to meet other babies and you love the attention. Mostly being outside. I put you in a swing for the first time.

Your sleep has been thrown off a bit this week - one night you woke up every hour insisting to sleep while nursing only. You've also been drooling and chomping on your fingers which has me wondering if your starting teeth.
We're here to love you and help you feel more comfortable, my sweet little chub.
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