You are a strong beautiful woman and you are stronger than you think.
"In our society, women need to learn the hard way that fairy tales don’t happen, that no one can save you but yourself…and the people around birth should present their offerings (options) without judgement, for women to choose. Women should be empowered and not controlled by birth professionals/facilities." ~ Randi King

I went to my first mom and me meet up. We went for a walk and it went well. Everyone was super nice and their babies were adorable.
Now, let me just say that I am very respectful of every mother's choice. I usually keep my opinions to myself because I don't want to come off arrogant and because I know when it comes to being a mom it can be very sensitive and I don't want anyone to think I'm trying to make them feel guilty. There's lots of guilt that can get pushed on you from all over the place and in the end you just have to keep telling yourself that as long as you're doing what feels right to you - you're golden.
With that said - I was surprised at the stories that I heard. That amongst other things I was the only one who was breastfeeding and who had a vaginal birth. Have C-sections and formula really become the norm? I'd been hoping to atleast meet one mom that was similar to me. They asked which hospital Benicio was born in and when I said at home they asked if I'd planned it that way or was it by accident. I know it can seem crazy and risky but for me it made sense. If there had ever been a risk during the pregnancy or even when I was in labor, we would have gone to the hospital without a second thought. In fact, there was a point where we thought we were going to need to go.
Why I'm writing this is because I've heard these stories where women are told they can't do something and they accept it. A lot of the women that I've spoken about birth, pregnancy and even breastfeeding have been told the most ridiculous thing by the people they are supposed to trust - their doctors. They're told that their frames are too narrow to deliver an 8 pound baby, that because they haven't dialated on the day of the 40th week they need a C-section, that they aren't producing enough breastmilk and need to go straight to formula spending $300 a month.
No one is supporting these women to help them feel empowered. To say that there are several other options before jumping to these quick fixes.
What I've learned through my pregnancy, is that we are all capable of so much more and we need to remind each other of that daily. Pregnancy is amazing. It's an awe-filled journey where you have to learn to let go and trust. There is a lot of fear in that letting go you have to overcome which is why it is essential that we be surrounded by love and support.
You are a strong beautiful woman and you are stronger than you think. Surround yourself by people that support you and won't push you into something that makes you feel uncomfortable.
I understand that there are valid reasons for interventions and turning to formula. I get that. I respect that. I'm not going to send you ten articles about why breastmilk is better because that's stupid. I also realize that a homebirth isn't for everyone. And I'm not saying everyone should do that but rather feel empowered to decided how you want to labor and mother. When I hear women talk about feeling sad or regret towards this time that may be their greatest experience - my heart breaks. No one should make you feel that way and rob you of what you deserve.
I'm planning on starting my own meet up for women who are interested in talking about in/fertility, homebirth, natural birth, baby wearing, co sleeping, breastfeeding, prenatal/postnatal yoga, cloth diapering and eating our placenta.
Just kidding - I had mine encapsulated.

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