6 Months
My Sweetness! Happy 6 months!

This past month you have started to reciprocate our conversations and even started reaching out for me which makes my heart melt. Your favorite song right now is anything to the twinkle twinkle/ABC melody.

You've been slowly eating more and more - it's funny though - sometimes you just prefer to nurse because it is easier for you. Your favorite food right now is sweet potato.

We've been enjoying taking you out around the city and enjoying the warmer weather. I love watching your face light up and look at all the new surroundings.

You love to smile to strangers and sometimes even talk to them. Your Mama Mia got you a jogger so we've been alternating between wearing you on walks and the jogger. I still love to wear and will continue to as long as I can.

We've been going to a swiming class which you are still warming up to - even though you love bath time. Once you settle in though you kick as hard you can - you love the part where you practice "jumping" into the water.

Your eyes are still blue and your two bottom teeth are just about ready to come out. Luckily, it doesn't seem to be bothering you much - except for at night you want some extra cuddles.

Your starting to get more hair! It has lots of blondes and reds in it suprisingly. Looks like than both our hairs for now.

You're such a sweetheart.

We love to hold you constantly and watch you play. We're both in awe watching you grow and develop more and more each day.

We love you.

This past month you have started to reciprocate our conversations and even started reaching out for me which makes my heart melt. Your favorite song right now is anything to the twinkle twinkle/ABC melody.
You've been slowly eating more and more - it's funny though - sometimes you just prefer to nurse because it is easier for you. Your favorite food right now is sweet potato.
We've been enjoying taking you out around the city and enjoying the warmer weather. I love watching your face light up and look at all the new surroundings.
You love to smile to strangers and sometimes even talk to them. Your Mama Mia got you a jogger so we've been alternating between wearing you on walks and the jogger. I still love to wear and will continue to as long as I can.
We've been going to a swiming class which you are still warming up to - even though you love bath time. Once you settle in though you kick as hard you can - you love the part where you practice "jumping" into the water.
Your eyes are still blue and your two bottom teeth are just about ready to come out. Luckily, it doesn't seem to be bothering you much - except for at night you want some extra cuddles.
Your starting to get more hair! It has lots of blondes and reds in it suprisingly. Looks like than both our hairs for now.
You're such a sweetheart.
We love to hold you constantly and watch you play. We're both in awe watching you grow and develop more and more each day.
We love you.
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