
The number one question people ask us is if Benicio is sleeping through the night, yet.


It's that yet that always gets me when I say no. Makes me forget my yoga. Like this is a milestone we should have already checked off and why don't I.

I'm here to put it all out there and say that he isn't sleeping through the night. He still wakes up to nurse. And the truth is I don't mind. This is what I signed up for. We're co sleeping and it works for all of us. This is what we signed up for when we became parents. 

When I became a mom I put my needs aside so I could provide my baby the love he deserves. To be the mom I envisioned. I want him to know he can depend on me and from that core feel secure and confident. I see that as nurturing not spoiling. 

I don't believe in sleep training. I didn't train him to roll over or sit. When he was ready, he figured it out on his own. I trust this natural process. Every baby is different.

I get so annoyed when people say they need to get their baby sleeping. why is our culture so focused on getting babies on our schedules? What about the needs of the baby. Everyone has their own opinions and advice to wave in your face. I'm thankful to have an attentive husband and a caring mother myself who constantly remind me the only reading I need to do is my baby. Every baby is different. Every baby is different. Just like I trusted him to come into this world when he was ready - I keep listening to him and trust. 

There's a lot that blows my mind - like hearing moms choose formula over breast milk. One of them is FREE! A lot of this comes down to a lack of knowledge and support. 

End of rant. 

Anyways, I'm finding that the older he gets the less I look up stuff online - the worst resource. The less I Google, "Why is my baby..." The more I let it pass and enjoy this sweet boy. I doubt I'll be nursing him to sleep when he's sixteen.


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