More on my Santa tangent
I didn't want to publish that earlier and when I asked myself why it was because I was nervous of offending someone. I didn't want to make anyone uncomfortable somehow. And then I realized that was dumb.
This is America.
This is my blog. It's just a blog.
Just like everyone can post about their beliefs I should not feel afraid to share mine. I want my kids to know that. To not be afraid to believe whatever they want to believe. And if they feel motivated to talk about it, to share it - even better. Because chances are there's someone our there like you. So if I want to write about how I really want a pair of overalls and that I don't believe in Jesus, Allah, Jevohah - that should be ok.
I'm going to do me. Just like my mom told me to be myself. I'm going to be real and honest because if I'm not then it isn't authentic. It's fake.
So there ya go.
Now back to a ridiculous amount of pictures of Beni and me writing about wanting overalls.
Also, I may have drank too much coffee today.
Ro Nay Nay Out
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