15 months
My sweet nugget.
Since you've turned one you've transformed from a baby to a toddler. Looking back at pictures of you as a newborn, I see such growth. Your hair is starting to get thick. Your eyes are hazel just like your Dad. You have a beautiful, contagious smile - full of teeth. You love to dance. Any time you hear any kind of beat or rhythm - even if it's from the dishwasher - you pause to dance. Everytime Mamamia comes to see you, you know it's time to dance! You find joy in everything.
You love to spread your love and are known for walking for making eye contact with strangers then walking up to them for a hug. Windy and you are learning to play. She is so gentle and patient with you.
You can say aqua - even though it sounds like abba, mama, dada and you're working on windy.
And you started walking the week you turned 14 months. A few steps, turned into walking which quickly evolved into running. You had one spill in the kitchen which resulted in a busted upper lip but you quickly forgot and went right back into action. Laughing and playing.
You love to eat and try new foods. If you don't like it, it gets tossed behind you. You still love to nurse. There are days were you'll barely ask to nurse and even go to sleep without it and then there are others where you can't seem to have enough.
You've started sleeping longer at night. Some nights you sleep in your until 1 or 3 am. We bring you to bed and you go right back to sleep, sleeping until 6:30/7. You've started snuggling up more with your Dad in bed.
You're our constant reminder to be happy and to enjoy what we have in front.
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