Baby Mamasana

A couple weeks I started the online training with Oh Baby Fitness to become a prenatal and postnatal instructor. My dream is to teach yoga for moms to be, moms and babies and moms. Baby Mamasana. Yoga helped me stayed grounded during my pregnancy and empowered me to have the pregnancy and birth I wanted. While also letting go in the journey of it all knowing that in the end I'm not totally in control and to feel at peace. Through yoga, I learned to listen to my body so my goal is to help other women tune in to their bodies and feel empowered - while also building community. Another reason I want to teach prenatal classes is because from my experience I found prenatal classes to be too expensive and too gentle. I didn't want to lose my strength I'd worked so hard to build up. I want to offer classes that focus on maintaining and building strength and endurance. Two important things you need for labor and motherhood. Those "mom muscles" are for real. 

This past summer, I taught a mommy and me class I called Baby Mamasana. It was great. I invited moms I had met through my mom groups. From May to September, twice a week, Benicio and I would lead class through gentle stretches, then end class going through gentle exercises with baby and have quiet bonding time. The classes didn't always go as planned. Benicio sometimes wanted to nurse right in the middle of class. I still see all the moms who came regularly and they all speak fondly of our time together. A little snippet in time we were all able to share together and bond with our new babies. Towards the end of summer attendance got low so I decided to put the class on hold. Hopefully I can bring it back again in the future. For a lot of moms it was their first outing which is great because I wanted them to feel comfortable. To know it was ok if baby slept through the whole class, or cried or talked or whatever.  Sometimes moms came with questions about breastfeeding or nighttime routine. Questions about diapers. All kinds of things. 

Basically, I want to offer yoga for the whole journey. And then maybe one day in the future when I'm done having babies, I can also become a doula. I'll be your yoga instructor and doula. For a lot of women pregnancy and birth stirs up emotions of fear - which is totally normal. I want to help moms not necessarily overcome the fears - but embrace them. Understand that they are normal - but don't succumb to the fear. Accept the journey and trust. Move with intention. 


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