The end of our breastfeeding journey

There were several times when I was nursing Benicio that I was convinced if I left it up to him he would nurse forever. He never showed any signs of stopping.

But it ended. It was gradual. There was no sudden last day or anything. In some ways I feel like I didn't realize it ended. I do remember this summer when I knew the end was near and it hit me hard. I cried. In a lot of ways I was done. 

We started to night wean him right before I found out I was pregnant (days) which helped because I get so exhausted in that first trimester. We started night weaning because he had started waking up a lot and I was exhausted. He had already cut back his day time nursings to when he woke up and before/after nap. My guess is when I got pregnant, my milk supply dropped pretty quickly which was why he started waking so much. It was tough for about a week and then he started to get the hang of it. This was in June.

Somewhere between August and September, he stopped asking to nurse for his naps and before I realized it he wasn't nursing and my milk was gone.

I'm super proud to say I nursed him for 22 months. He was an awesome nurser. Latched on immediately and never had any problems. We co slept for 18 months. Enjoying those sweet cuddles in the night and waking up to him giggling or even jumping on the bed in the middle of the night. 

It's crazy to think he'll be two this month and he sleeps in his own bed. So much can change in only a matter of months. I want to hold onto all these little moments. It's like my arms get full  - overflowing - with all these memories I want to hold onto realizing that each new days brings a new beautiful memory. 

Agh. Alright. Time to wipe the tears. 


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