End of the 4th trimester
Sweet Luna.
These first three months have been the sweetest. The first month was the hardest but mainly just due to the c section and me not feeling 100%. But here we are - recovered and snuggling in bed.
What I've learned is that cosleeping safely, breastfeeding and babywearing keep both of us happy and rested. I remember with Benicio I tried getting him to sleep out of our bed which meant everytime he woke I would have to sit up and get him, nurse, wait till he fell back asleep and then lay him down and then myself which by then it felt like it was only ten more minutes till he woke again. After a month of that he came into bed and we were all resting soundly.
Using the experience from Benicio, I felt more relaxed this time around. There was no panic with the mixed up sleep cycles, or wondering why she wants to nurse all the time or why she only sleeps when held. Because you're a baby and that's what babies do. This your 4th trimester. Yes, you're here in our world but you're slowly waking up to it.
I really enjoyed reading this article and it makes me happy to see listening to my intuition being supported. http://m.huffpost.com/us/entry/7119782
Three months of delicious, squishy Luna. You're already using your voice giving us lots of oohs and ahhs. You love to watch your brother and he knows how to make you laugh and smile. And cry - very typical older sibling. You have big beautiful blue eyes and you're starting to grow lighter hair which makes me thing it might look like Benicio's. You love to nurse but don't need the boob to nurse to sleep or when you cry. Sometimes you just want hugs. You love to be worn and recently look around to see what is going on. We love you, Luna.
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