6 months
Today marks half a year that Luna has been here. This past month we have really enjoyed watching her and Benicio begin to interact. He knows how to make her laugh while Bobby and I spend all day trying and trying - he does it so easily.
She's a very observant baby who loves to smile at strangers. She honestly doesn't cry much except for the occasions when she's had enough of the car seat or if it's around her bedtime and she isn't nursing. She likes to cluster feed from 7 until about 9/10 and some nights sleeps the whole way through. Some days she wakes up in the middle of the night just dancing in bed. It's sweet. As tired as we may be the next day, both Bobby and I do still enjoy co sleeping. It makes me happy how much he enjoys having her close to us. So we can all enjoy her sweet snuggles and middle of the dance parties.
She loves to nurse but she doesn't comfort nurse as much as Benicio did. In fact when she's sad or upset she would rather just sit up or be held up. It's a cute moment when she looks around and forgets whatever she was crying over. She'll occasionally fall asleep without nursing but usually needs it. She loves to nurse/nap in the carrier. I've been having problems with my beco and I'm upset at how they're handling it so I've been borrowing my friends ergo. It's so nice and broken in I'm tempted to buy a used one. It's actually more comfortable for me and provides a wider more supportive seat for Luna. I had the Tula but didn't like the fit on me. I love our toddler Tula for Benicio. Maybe I'll do a post on carriers.
Luna started sitting up a couple weeks ago on her own. She picked it up very quickly. We have a feeling she's going to be moving soon. She definitely tries but then falls. We're planning on doing baby led weaning this time around and skipping the whole mess with purée foods. She's really good at grabbing things and bringing them to her both so we have to watch her closely around toys.
So far, she's tried bits of carrots, eggs, toast, banana, lasgana and chicken Alfredo. This week I plan on letting her try avocado. Otherwise, I'll put little bites of whatever I'm eating on her tray. She earnestly tries to get it in her and swallow - big, fun messes.
I've also been taking her to the chiropractor since May to help with her neck mobility. Due to our difficult labor and birth, she has a little trouble moving her head to the left - you can tell in the picture above. She's made lots of progress and is even sleeping with her head turned both ways. She doesn't cry when she gets adjusted and Benicio loves to watch.
He does adore her.
We love sweet Luna! Happy 6 months!
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