A new year in a new state.

Something we've always talked about and joked about is how awesome it would be to live near our friends and to be able to raise our families together. 

I remember reading an article about the group of friends who built their tiny houses together and thought how awesome it would be.

It became one of those things where we kept talking about and we thought - well, what is stopping us?


So first we said, let's do it in a few year. Or next summer. Then it was before the end of November. We said goodbye to all our dear friends we made. We packed up and moved. 

Maybe it's that when things are supposed to be, they happen quickly. Or maybe it's just that we're awesome at taking action and getting shit done when we want to do something. 

So we're here - in Durham, NC. Close to our best friends. On the same coast as my sister. With mountains and the beach. 

Colorado is amazing and beautiful and I certainly will miss it - and hope to visit in the future - but this feels right. It feels good. To be amongst our friends and have our group together. Like we've been wandering for several years and now we can settle. We found a place to call home. 

Here's to a year finding stilling. To being present. To building our home further. 


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