Que Chévere!

1. chevere

A popular expression in use by Cubans, Puerto Ricans, Venezuelans and other Latinos as an affirmative, acclamation
of approval.
When listening to music, checking out the opposite sex or delighting in some pleasurable experience, one may make reference to said experience with, "chevere"!

Brought to you from: http://www.urbandictionary.com/

Welcome to my blog!

I'm not sure what exactly the focus of it will be but I know my topics will range from what is going in my life, my kitchen, what horror movies I see and anything about Southern culture. Pretty much anything that makes me think: Chévere!

Quick Facts:
I've studied film theory focusing on body genres and Southern folk culture.
I'm Venezuelan and grew up in Marietta, Georgia.
I have an interest for microbiology: public health. But double majored in Film Studies (body genres) and English.
I'm engaged.
We're planning on moving across the country to Oregon after we're married.

This next year should be action packed.



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