Burning wood

I just turned on my camera and saw that I had pictures from our surprise date to the Botanical Gardens - in August. That's the problem with buying a huge memory card - you're not motivated to take the pictures off and show them to the world.

So now rather than writing my reviews, I'm uploading my pictures and stalking you on facebook. Classy evening, I promise.

We went to New York for Labor Day weekend to visit my sister and her husband. We had an amazing time (of course) and came back home convinced we were going to move there. This happens each and every time we go. It's a bug. Maybe one day. There's always Portland, too - which was our original plan. Anyways, I don't think we'll be moving anytime soon.

August and September have blown past and I'm realizing I need to keep better tack of time. I need to get better at taking a moment to right things down. Look at my pictures. Write on here. Because otherwise I forget - it immediately exits my memory and I'm left having dreams about work or how someone tried to break into our house to steal our dogs. I need to exercise my brain.

Now it is October. I've put all my little Halloween decorations all around the house and pulled out all my cinnamon-apple-sweet-spice-holiday smelling candles. I'm already in the mood. Not necessarily for the holidays but for the winter. The one smell that - for me - is the essence of winter is burning wood. I can't wait to go camping. And I need a potluck in my life.

Time for a picture show.


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