A Dream

So I've been having lots of crazy dreams lately - and not in a good way. I had a dream the other night I forgot Benicio in the car and it was summer. It was horrible. I woke up to nurse him and kept kissing his head. But then last night I had this awesome dream my sister said something really awesome:

"When we feel fear or panic, we should focus on our breath and trust that our bodies will guide us through."

I woke up inspired.

Like, wow. It made me think - you know when you get angry or scared and your voice gets louder and that feeling of panic starts to overtake your - you start breathing heavier or maybe even panting - or maybe you stop breathing? we get lost. We lose control. We forget to breath.

Sometimes it is just a matter of simpling reminding ourselves that little moment will pass. We forget to trust. To trust our bodies to trust that it isn't how great we really have it. I know it's not the best thing to think - but there is always someone out there who is going through something even more difficult. It sounds simple but just breath.
Not to sound like I've been experiencing rough times or anything - quite the opposite actually - this dream just made me think. The end.

Get strong live long compost


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