What I've learned

As Benicio nears the one year mark, I want to take time to reflect on what I've learned.

Since becoming a mom I've truly learned what it means to be selfless and giving. I've learned to get over myself and let go of petty things. You don't understand what it means to give and care until you become a mother. It's an earth shattering beautiful change where this tiny person you grew is now outside of you and you are in control (somewhat, right?) of they well being. His well being and contentment is my goal. And to keep him happy, I also must take care of myself.

Breastfeeding is hard but incredibly rewarding. 

There's a difference between spoiling and nurturing. 

Going with the above, I've learned to be proud of the way we are parenting and will happily defend it if I need to ever. If there's any doubt all I have to do is look over at this smiling baby. He's so happy which tells me I must be doing something right.

You learn who your real friends are. And this isn't necessarily talking about how some people get uncomfortable by the fact that you have a baby. Seeing it as that you've entered this new chapter so you can no longer communicate to people in that other chapter. But also, not everyone wants to hear you talk about how sore your nipples are or that you're so excited because he learned how to clap today. And frankly, sometimes there isn't anything to talk about. Neither of you have anything relevant to say to the other it seems. But then of course, there are the other friends - where like with everything else life has handed you, your friendship doesn't skip a beat.

I actually am a very motherly person. Although, I tend to think of myself as incredibly awkward with kids. I get intimidated by them. They're so awesome and I wish I could take a piece of their curiosity, positivity - their perspective just always blows me away and I feel like I'm never fully ready for what's about to come out if their mouths.

Appreciation for my parents - but especially my mom. The fact that she doesn't tell me what to do but instead encourages me to listen to my instincts. Listen to Benicio. I feel no pressure and that's exactly what a new mom needs. It's also that realization of "oh wow - you went through all this too and even more challenges than I could possibly imagine." I'm sorry for giving you such a hard time when I was a teenager but I also know that's what a teenager is supposed to do. And as an adult now I realize my idea of bad is really tame. I'm thankful for the foundation she gave me as a mother. 

One of my favorite memories is from when I was on first grade. My sister and I had been fighting about something - we were in her room so it was probably something like I wouldn't leave her alone. My came in and sat us down on the floor. She made us sit facing each other as she talked about that we were the only sisters we were ever going to have and that no matter what we had to love each other. I also remember something about an eagle soaring over the trees.

I remember as a kid going into a shop with my mom and her getting down on to my level to calmly tell me don't touch anything. Of course as soon as she turned around I grabbed a perfume bottle and sprayed it in my face. I remember the perfume burning my eyes and mouth. And then I remember her turning around to say hey I told you not to touch anything. HAHA

All these realizations and memories make me dedicated to my family. Now I know what my priorities are.


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