Tenacity and Strength

"Tenacity and strength are way more important than talent and flexibility"

I just completed an intensive yoga workshop this weekend with Darren Rhodes from YogaOasis. It was amazing and exactly what I needed. My practice has been feeling stagnant and I felt like I didn't know what direction to move towards. This workshop was a reminder that the strength I've been searching for I already have within me. The importance of patience and hardwork. That I already have the fire within me.

Yoga to me is a journey. It's about strengthening my body. Improving my well being - mentally and physically. It's about continuously challenging myself. And learning to love unconditionally. To move with compassion and patience. Towards myself and others. 

You have to start from the ground up. Shortcuts skip the details. The details that may be causing you pain in your right hip or making you feel anxious. The shortcuts that aren't addressing the big picture making you miss the point. I don't believe in quick fixes to get quick results. Taking the time to build up your strength helps you increase your endurance and longevity.

I practice yoga to be a better a person. A better mom. A better wife. A better daughter. A better sister. A better friend. For all the love I pour into those relationships, yoga pours love back into me. It recharges me.

I practice yoga because I hope to grow old with my husband and watch our kids grow and see their kids. And maybe their kids' kids. I practice yoga because I know remaining idol results in me becoming unhappy. My thoughts takeover. I lose my patience. And I forget to just be. I practice because I enjoy the challenge. 

Sometimes it can be frustrating and defeating. Humiliating even. But those are the times I feel humbled. I do my best to take what I learn on my mat and practice it daily.

Everyday I'm reminded to open to grace. 

Shoutout to Bobby and Mamamia for all your love and motivation. And your patience.


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